Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Sin of Wrath

strong, stern, or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation; ire.
vengeance or punishment as
Punishments in Dante’s Purgatory- the wrathful continuously dismember themselves in the waters in the river Styx. The parts are brought back and they fight for eternity. Once again, I refuse to dissect the last sin out of inspiration for another means. Here is another poem personifying an aspect of wrath. I focused mainly on the Wrath we try to keep inside and control inside of us every day until it boils over and we loose that control. It doesn’t help that nowadays people with aggression don’t try to seek out true inner peace, but pop pills to postpone those feelings instead f dealing with them. Usually it’s the happiest looking people who Wrath uses as its biggest medium. How many public and school shootings and serial killings come from people who seemed like perfectly average run of the mill Joes with no indication to the spite they held whatsoever?
The caged animal will soon get free
Clawing at the patience inside of me
Pacing pacing
Time elapse
It’s only too long before I snap
Inside of me
A raging storm
The Calm’s the mask
That I have worn
The hurricane grows
My peace is weak
This anger inside
Won’t admit defeat
A roar of thunder
Lightning clash
An energy like this
Won’t come to pass
So one dosage
Two dosage
Will keep you alive
Not feelings so stable?
Where’s what they prescribe.
A generation of pill poppers
Not Mad Hatters
The aggression will fade
That’s all that matters
my saving grace
Would I cock the gun
If we met face to face?
But I’m quite normal
As far as they think
The rage has been put
Under lock and key
But it swells
And stirs
And builds
And storms
Not too long before they take there own form
The adjectives I’m called by the accusing plaintiff
But it is not I
Who should take the stand
But that Wrath that birthed
Vengeance into my hands
It’s not my fault…I was…a little out of control…
the consequence of anger.

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