Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Sin of Greed

 excessive desire, as for wealth or power

Punishment in Dante’s Purgatory-
Being boiled oil for all eternity

I was bitten by a rabid muse, so instead of dissecting greed essay style, I wrote what one may call a poem/song/rap hybrid that could be a personification into the modern mentality of greed. Please enjoy.


Silence is golden
That’s what we need more of
So keep your mouth shut
As it keep raining love

That’s what I said
You don’t have it?
Buy it
Flash a million dollar smile
Sell your soul
And sign for it

As the zeroes keep on going
And your cup is overflowing
It still isn’t enough
But the stacks just keep on growing

With a Midas touch
Make injustice hush
Because the pay is lush
Oh you just can’t get enough

Keep your animals eyes
On the prize
No hindsight
Cause you’ve got to take what you can
No guarantee past this night

Got an iris of green
And an iris of gold
One for the metal in my veins
And the paper in my soul

All I’m saying in conclusion
Is I run with this delusion
Melodies ring on the register
Receipts proof of my confusion

Money makes the world go round
Go round
Got to get the latest digital version
Of the same old sound

It’s so old
It’s so known
You consume
You die cold
Got a gold plated grave
While you wait for fates unknown

Good luck

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