Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Seven Deadly Sins Playlist

In my final post....and sudden impulse of musical inspiration, I decided to compose a play list that I think would adequately describe the sins. A song or two for each sin.
If you have any you think would fit here, leave them in the comments!








The Sin of Wrath

strong, stern, or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation; ire.
vengeance or punishment as
Punishments in Dante’s Purgatory- the wrathful continuously dismember themselves in the waters in the river Styx. The parts are brought back and they fight for eternity. Once again, I refuse to dissect the last sin out of inspiration for another means. Here is another poem personifying an aspect of wrath. I focused mainly on the Wrath we try to keep inside and control inside of us every day until it boils over and we loose that control. It doesn’t help that nowadays people with aggression don’t try to seek out true inner peace, but pop pills to postpone those feelings instead f dealing with them. Usually it’s the happiest looking people who Wrath uses as its biggest medium. How many public and school shootings and serial killings come from people who seemed like perfectly average run of the mill Joes with no indication to the spite they held whatsoever?
The caged animal will soon get free
Clawing at the patience inside of me
Pacing pacing
Time elapse
It’s only too long before I snap
Inside of me
A raging storm
The Calm’s the mask
That I have worn
The hurricane grows
My peace is weak
This anger inside
Won’t admit defeat
A roar of thunder
Lightning clash
An energy like this
Won’t come to pass
So one dosage
Two dosage
Will keep you alive
Not feelings so stable?
Where’s what they prescribe.
A generation of pill poppers
Not Mad Hatters
The aggression will fade
That’s all that matters
my saving grace
Would I cock the gun
If we met face to face?
But I’m quite normal
As far as they think
The rage has been put
Under lock and key
But it swells
And stirs
And builds
And storms
Not too long before they take there own form
The adjectives I’m called by the accusing plaintiff
But it is not I
Who should take the stand
But that Wrath that birthed
Vengeance into my hands
It’s not my fault…I was…a little out of control…
the consequence of anger.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Sin of Pride

Mirror, Mirror
On the wall
Who is the fairest of them all?
Did you know your appeal made angels fall?
Why do I listen to you when you call?
Could I face my reflection if I failed at all?
As another foot adds to my pedestal
I rule as my own majestic fool
On a peacock throne I mock and I scoff
Would an ego bruise well if one were pushed off?

a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
the state or feeling of being proud.
a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.
pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself: civic pride.
something that causes a person or persons to be proud: His art collection was the pride of the family.
the best of a group, class, society, etc.: This bull is the pride of the herd.
the most flourishing state or period: in the pride of adulthood.

Punishment in Dante’s Purgatory-The prideful were forced to walk with stone slabs bearing down on their backs to induce feelings of humility.

The world is full of pride. As humans, what separates us from other animals is our incredible sense of self, and with that comes a sense of self-entitlement in which we use to manipulate the world around us. Some of us become so aware of this superiority, that it gets a little out of hand, and a world full of egomaniacs runs a muck.
The most famous case of Pride in a Biblical reference could be Satan, the creator of sin himself. Lucifer, the once most beautiful and beloved angels of heaven, fell because of his incredible vainglory in his own perfection against others. This included God, and cost him a seat in Heaven he had to exchange for a nice dwelling of eternal flames.
Some say that Pride is the deadliest sin, because it leads to all the others. I don’t believe this is true entirely, but I could see where some of the association would come in. Wrath could come about from injured pride. The desire for Greed could be fueled by the constant reassurance in one’s own abilities. Sloth could be caused by on over active sense or Pride where the person will believe they have no entitlement to do anything since they are “awesome enough as it is.” The list could go on and on.
But it leaves nothing to say that we put a certain value on the aspect of Pride and Vanity in human society. We can have the ability to worship those with great beauty or great success because they have built there own pedestals and proclaimed themselves to the world as being of god-like status.
A high sense of vanity can also hurt us in these modern times. It isn’t far from the truth when they say beauty is pain. Both physically and financially. We have people starving themselves, and surgically modifying themselves to attain celebrity looks. People poor their money into luxury good just to feel as if they been raised to some kind alternative status quo. This is a false vision.
A Prada purse, Gucci shoes, a million dollar car, and the latest in iGadgets will not make you any happier and elevated on the inside than you think you are.
That doesn’t go with out saying that no faith or pride in yourself is a good thing either. It all comes from inner motivation and strength. Everything needs moderation. Incredible outward vanity usually roots at a lack of inner self-confidence. On the other hand, true narcissism cab blossom from a seed of blind devotion to ones own needs and desires.
The word is a good balance. A grip on yourself and the world around you is different than being consumed in the “glory that is you” while dwelling in the world around you.

The Sin of Greed

 excessive desire, as for wealth or power

Punishment in Dante’s Purgatory-
Being boiled oil for all eternity

I was bitten by a rabid muse, so instead of dissecting greed essay style, I wrote what one may call a poem/song/rap hybrid that could be a personification into the modern mentality of greed. Please enjoy.


Silence is golden
That’s what we need more of
So keep your mouth shut
As it keep raining love

That’s what I said
You don’t have it?
Buy it
Flash a million dollar smile
Sell your soul
And sign for it

As the zeroes keep on going
And your cup is overflowing
It still isn’t enough
But the stacks just keep on growing

With a Midas touch
Make injustice hush
Because the pay is lush
Oh you just can’t get enough

Keep your animals eyes
On the prize
No hindsight
Cause you’ve got to take what you can
No guarantee past this night

Got an iris of green
And an iris of gold
One for the metal in my veins
And the paper in my soul

All I’m saying in conclusion
Is I run with this delusion
Melodies ring on the register
Receipts proof of my confusion

Money makes the world go round
Go round
Got to get the latest digital version
Of the same old sound

It’s so old
It’s so known
You consume
You die cold
Got a gold plated grave
While you wait for fates unknown

Good luck


I sit in darkness
Eyes held glaring
Always thirsty
Yet always unmoving

I sit and wait
Forever patient
For your demise
In my frustration

And on the day
That you should fall
Above I’ll smile
As you crawl

My single success
It was the only way how
Why should I raise to your level?
When you’re in my trenches now
a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.
an object of
Obsolete . ill will.

Punishment in Dante’s Purgatory- to have their eyes sewn shut with wire because they have gained sinful pleasure from seeing others brought low

envious feeling:


Ever heard that before? Personally, I find this statement incredibly ironic. Though I’m sure most are describing the green sickening feeling you get when viewing something you can never have, I think pairing a sin like Envy up with a color like green is contradictory. If you speak from a symbolic reference, which we love to do here on this blog, Green is acknowledged in color theory as a color of nature, harmony, and fertility.

Color theory 

Nature gives birth to abundance.
Harmony equals peace and tranquility with ones surroundings and circumstances.
Fertility recycles the flow of life and abundance.

That doesn’t sound synonymous with the definition of "discontent or covetous with regard to another’s advantages…"

Also, another confusion with envy may be with its place next to jealousy. People usually assume that they mean the same thing, but there is actually a distinct difference. Envy strictly deals with the unhappiness and in some one else’s success. Suzy got good grades, a new puppy, and was born a blonde bombshell. You don’t want Suzy to be happy, and you begrudgingly wish you could possess everything she is.
Jealousy on the other hand deals with a sense of resentment and self-entitlement. Not only do you wish you had Suzy’s good fortune, but you hate her for it and believe that puppy should have been yours in the first place. This works with relationships as well. Suzy steals your soul mate, and the (ironically) green eyed monster starts to rear their head because you truly believe you can be and are a better match for that person, so how dare she take who should be yours.

Jealousy will always involve some kind of sense of loss. (In relationships, jealousy could cause the failure when the loss is caused by the pre-anticipated sense of this loss) In true envy, there was no possession to begin with.
I could see envy being the complete polar opposite of the sin gluttony. If Gluttony is a state of constant consumption for self-satisfaction, Envy would be a state of constant misery from continued self-deprivation. The potential may lie before the envious, but they are so consumed with the loathing of the successful, they do not try to succeed themselves.
An example of envy in the real world could be the growing rate of mediocrity that is cried by those who wish for equality. It’s hard to deal with successful people, but if they can be knocked down to your level, you won’t have to raise to theirs. It’s like a warped case of sloth peppered with the dormant motivation for greed, but the greed is never fulfilled because the self destruction and self deprivation takes too much time.
Need an easier example?

Exhibit A-Taking dodge ball of schools

The slow kid with glasses can’t get out of the way of the ball fast enough, so instead trying to improve his own coordination, he whines to his mother who takes the PTA and the school board on a joyride of self indulgent solutions.

Exhibit B- A thriving sub-culture of online haters who jump and attack at the first hint of superiority

Do you honestly think there could exist one single youtube video that doesn’t include somewhere in the comments: "this BLOwZ!!!!" or "my dog could do better !!!" and of course, "this sucks harder than Justin beiber…"
…Everything always leads back to Justin Bieber…

In conclusion, the presence in Envy of a sin is confusing. It doesn’t quite hold the resentment of jealousy, but at the same time can hold a darker meaning than just thinking "I could do sooo much better than them!" Its true sin comes from the joy in witnessing the fallen. The delights in failure as you dwell in stationary disgust.
It’s the manifestation of the old saying,

"If I can’t have it, nobody can…"