Thursday, February 17, 2011

So in my apparent fascination with the seven deadly sins, I was thrilled when I found this artistic depiction of them. Its from an artist on called blackeri, and she has some other wonderful drawing besides the sins. She put some specific symbolism in here, so click on the link if you would like to read her original intent instead of just my interpretation.


I decided to share it with you all and talk about some of the elements in the picture I take symbolically. I'm taking a break from breaking the sins for a minute.

So my first thought is, I love how each sin is pictured as a female, because really...what's more tempting than a woman? >:)

Also, each sin has a color scheme and symbolic element in the picture that relate to the sin. I'll be going from left to right on these, so go back up to the picture for reference.

-So vanity is depicted in the color purple, a very rich and aristocratic color.
-She is holding a hand mirror, a symbol of her own self-obsession.
-The surrounding frame is made of peacock feathers. I see this as a reference to Hera, Zeus’ wife from ancient Greek mythology. Her bird was the peacock, and she was highly vain in her position of power, belittling any of the mortals her husband chose over her.

-Gluttony is represented in a grape fruit pink, a very aesthetic and appetizing color.
-Her borders are grapes, a shot to me at the classical depiction of the classic Ancient Roman Nobleman, sitting pretty and being fed grapes as he consumes in luxury.

-Shown in gold, symbolic of wealth.
-The border is a diamond the ultimate jewel in a sought after crown.
-The appearance of Avarice almost gives me a sense of Cleopatra, the last Queen of Egypt who sent Egypt crumbling after it was in the height of its decadence and luxury.

-Sloth is depicted in a dream like state, blowing bubbles of idleness and sitting up on a cloud.
-The light blue of the color is very light and non-demanding. There is no depiction of action or urgency in this picture at all.

-Envy is in the obvious green.
-I take the snake in the picture as a representation of Lucifer when he sent the talking serpent to smooth talk Eve into consuming the apple. The motives of the snake were driven by the envy Lucifer held for God’s power and Creation. It was the envy that drove him to fall, and then attempt to destroy that exact Creation.
-The model for Envy is thinner than the rest of the sins and has dark circles under her eyes. She seems to have been deprived of much, and the discontent of that is easily shown on her face.

-Wrath seems to be an image of tribal wildness and reckless intentions.
-Her hair is fire, and the color she is shown in is a flaming red. Fire is consuming and destructive.
-She holds within her hand a whip, giving a dominatrix impression. Think about it, when you're mad you want to draw out pain, not mercy. To me this shows the sadistic, and perhaps even masochistic tendencies that those engulfed in there own rage possess.

-Lust is incredibly lost and sensual. Long hair, a perfect body, the ideal image for a symbol of Lust. It’s almost romantic in intentions to lure you in.
-The border behind her represents fire. Ironically, the punishment for those who have committed Lust face in purgatory is a walk through searing flames to purge them of there passionate desires.

So those are just some of my interpretations. Oh! There is another image I'd like to leave you guys with. For those of you who are familiar with America's Next Top Model, I found a series of pictures that they did during the fourth cycle of the show. The theme was the Seven Deadly Sins, and each girl depicted a sin in a coffin. The imagery in these pictures I found seemed HEAVILY similar to the artistic ones above. Do YOU see any similarities? >:)



  1. Incredible pictures and description of the sin characters!
    You not only discussed color, but wonderfully described the characters demeanor and activities in the pictures.
    I really enjoyed viewing and reading through this blog!

  2. I think the concept of the 7 deadly sins is interesting. Last week in my public speaking a kid gave a speech on it.. and it sparked my interest. But i like your descriptions of them and how you addressed them

  3. This was way interesting and informative. That was a good find.
