Thursday, February 17, 2011

The sin of Sloth

Sleepily dreaming in fantasy lands
You neglect to take the shovel into your own hands
So as you wait for tomorrow to seize the day
Wasted Time slowly buries your life away

sloth  (slôth, slDescription:, slDescription:

 -Aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence.
 -Any of various slow-moving, arboreal, edentate mammals of the family Bradypodidae of South and Central America, having long hooklike claws by which they hang upside down from tree branches and feeding on leaves, buds, and fruits, especially:.
- A company of bears.

Punishment in Purgatory-The slothful are thrown into snake pits.

Pure laziness doesn’t seem like it would be that severe of a sin to be sent to hell for. If watching a few extra episodes of your favorite show instead of doing your chores is damnation worthy, then we’d all be in trouble. The sin of Sloth seemed to be used as more of scare tactic to keep people active and devoted in the church. The more inactive members there are, the less power the church has.

A more in depth look into this philosophy can be viewed in this agnostic article that describes it with an outside opinion .  

 An applicable view of Sloth today may be the inactive status many people take in there educational and political duties.

 The impression that I think the rest of the world gets of us is that we are typical "Lazy-Americans." We don't study up to par in our school systems in order to meet with the rest of the world. We neglect to learn multiple languages outside of English. The care of our political system is neglected by the younger generation because we never really "have the time to vote."

Measures are being taken to change this however. With emphasis placed on higher education these days, students are becoming educated far quicker. Students are taking on early college and are applying for all the financial aid opportunities available to them. The rest of the world may think we need to step it into the high gear, but when we do, we'll end up one step ahead again.

As for our political system, all I can is, it's one thing to stand as an American patriot when the flag passes by. It's an entirely different one to walk away and act as a patriot. Our nation is only as great as our citizens make it, and without individual dedication, America will be thrown to a pit of snakes when its darkest days are sure to come.

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