Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sooo...this is the beginning....

 Silence is golden
That's what they say
The words left unspoken mean more every day

If silence is golden
Guess I'm a poor girl
Since I speak my mind in this material world

Hi! My name is Anastasia, and I have an over productive muse. Seriously. I have about several hundred creative ideas floating in my head on a daily basis. I'm either pondering over analytical quotes, coming up with story and song ideas, or contemplating symbolic meanings of life. If it could be assumed, this drives me crazy while it just sits in my head, so if I can put it in tangible form that sometimes helps.

This blog is going to be about concepts that fascinate me. I have an obsession for symbolism, so any basic theme that can be applied to a higher meaning will be discussed here. The first one, which I believe can take up a few posts, is the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins. The Catholic concepts of damnation I believe can have so many applications in today society. Or, perhaps the original seven are overrated, and some new categories need to be put into place. I will show you examples that I believe are applicable, and you can decide.


  1. I enjoyed your poem at the beginning of your blog! Is that the whole thing or just a sample, because I think I'd love to hear the rest of it. I look forward to following your blog because I too think that symbolism is fascinating. Old religious sybolism is especially interesting and almost creepy to me at times.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more with having so many ideas wondering about. I am the same way. It can drive a person crazy, however looking on the bright side, I am never bored! Reading helps with this a little. That is until the story itself gets me thinking and dreaming up some other crazy idea! Follow through with as many ideas as you can!

  3. I really liked the way you wrote this. You stated what lust meant and then went into examples. It can be a worldwide scandal, but then again when you wrote about Rihanna you made her seem more powerful when you say "dominatrix". I think lust can definately make a woman more powerful. It may make her seem weak and upset feminists like the Dolce & Gabbana, but also make her one of the most noted woman around. Men also are victims of lust. Male models are surrounded by it just as much as females. You watch TV shows or watch movies the men are almost worse in some cases.

    I love the idea you chose for your blog. I also chose to comment on this one because it's my favorite deadly sin.
