Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sooo...this is the beginning....

 Silence is golden
That's what they say
The words left unspoken mean more every day

If silence is golden
Guess I'm a poor girl
Since I speak my mind in this material world

Hi! My name is Anastasia, and I have an over productive muse. Seriously. I have about several hundred creative ideas floating in my head on a daily basis. I'm either pondering over analytical quotes, coming up with story and song ideas, or contemplating symbolic meanings of life. If it could be assumed, this drives me crazy while it just sits in my head, so if I can put it in tangible form that sometimes helps.

This blog is going to be about concepts that fascinate me. I have an obsession for symbolism, so any basic theme that can be applied to a higher meaning will be discussed here. The first one, which I believe can take up a few posts, is the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins. The Catholic concepts of damnation I believe can have so many applications in today society. Or, perhaps the original seven are overrated, and some new categories need to be put into place. I will show you examples that I believe are applicable, and you can decide.